The main event in my February took place at the very beginning (starting in January, strictly speaking ;)): the International Comics Festival in the small town of Angoulême! I am lucky to have friends there, so that I can both visit them and have a conveniently located accommodation – which is really hard to come by during the festival.
In theory, I’ve had a newsletter since some time in 2023, but I’ve only ever sent one out 😅. Now, after focusing on finding illustration work in the children’s publishing industry (without success yet but with some encouraging signs 😊), I’m intending to also make more art for the “general public”, so I think it makes sense to revive (or, really, start) this “Letter from the studio”!

Some months back I was uninspired and filled this sketchbook page with random watercolour strokes – a trick some artists recommend against “fear of the blank page”. It didn’t work 🥲 (not for the first time, so maybe that trick’s not for me 😅). In this case I especially disliked the colours – too cold, […]

I was entranced by the shapes of the slowly drying vine and sepals on this tomato :) Untypically, I followed my impulse to sketch it 😊️ I hesitated between a simple linework and adding colour, so I thought I’d do the latter but document the former in case the colouring went awry 😁️. Also, the […]

…Featuring cute woodland creatures on the mailer 😊️

Portrait, landscape, or something else? That is the question!

What I like about this technique is that it combines randomness and your taste.
This is how it goes!

After ‘The Wolf’, here is the second ink painting in my ‘Coquelicot’ series, with some steps of the creation process.

I’ve created this prompt list for myself, with the goal to make a 2024 calender. Feel free to use them too, and share what you create with me by email or on Instagram :)

Have you been waiting eagerly to set your eyes on the ink paintings I’ve teased a few weeks ago? Here is the first one! The second will soon follow :) For now, enjoy some steps of the creation process of ‘The Wolf’!