As already hinted on Instagram, I could not create the ‘Wild Magic’ calendar in time for 2024 – so I’m planning it for 2025! Maybe it will work if I start working on it now? 😁️
Actually, my idea is to create / release each month’s illustration as a print over the year. I thought one illustration / print a month, but now I’m kind of realising that’s it’s already a bit late for that: as I want to release the calendar in October, I guess the last print should be in September, i.e. I already should have made a print this October… Anyway, can’t change it now, let’s see how it goes ;)
Initially I wanted to have the calendar printed as a booklet, like the mini-calendar by Ina and me that you can see on the photos – only larger, probably A5 size.
But (as for the mini-calendar already) compositions in landscape format are really difficult / unnatural for me 😅️. Maybe especially because I have classical folk tale illustrations by Ivan Bilibin, Arthur Rackham or Edmund Dulac in mind, and sure some are in landscape format, but that’s not the typical format that comes to my mind. Also, characters have to be smaller, or not stand, or not be depicted in full body, which at the moment seems very limiting for me.
Maybe I should take this limitation as a challenge 😁️ – and maybe I will, but I also wanted to see how it would look like if the booklet was in portrait format (i.e. bound on the short size of the page). I think it can look nice but I’m not sure if it’s practical to hang on a wall 🤔️.
Another option would be to not make a booklet but a wire-o binding, which would allow more design freedom (i.e. not the picture on one half and the calendar month on the other). I’m afraid this may be more expensive than I like – but I haven’t really checked yet. Anyway, I just have to make awesome art for it to be worth buying 😇️
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