On-location drawing: Focke Museum Bremen

I’ve decided to have a weekly “Art Practice Day”, and blog about it. Maybe this can inspire your own practice. Maybe you’ll even want to join me, if you’re in or around Bremen. Or you’re just curious :) It starts here!

Yesterday I started what I want to become a weekly “Art Practice Day”. I did not know yet that I would blog about it :) I hope this does not interfere too much with what I want to be a “free” art practice, something I do to explore. So I reserve the right to stop blogging, or not do it every time ;)

I wanted to start with on-location drawing. As it was expected to rain, I decided on a museum. I love the Überseemuseum but have already drawn there several times, and also Focke Museum, a museum about the history of Bremen with a lot of interesting exhibits, is not far away from my place :)

It was indeed a rainy and very gloomy day! I had wanted to go in the morning but (of course) when I managed to get ready I found there was not enough time left before lunch to not feel rushed, so I swapped my plans for morning and afternoon and went after lunch – this time it worked :)

I almost left without drawing anything – I was annoyed because I was not allowed to take my bag (in case I would want to stick myself to some exhibit – although I’m obviously far from the age group that thinks that can somehow save the planet…). Next time I’ll have to restrict myself on art supplies (: Then I almost left after the first drawing. Then I almost left after the second one (do you see a pattern there? ;)) But I stuck to it and ended up spending about the time I had thought I would :) (about 1 1/2 to 2 hours drawing – plus some wandering around in the museum)

So a lot of resistance, despite enjoying the drawing time itself (of all 3 pieces), and being quite pleased with the result. I guess it means it’s important to me to be doing this art practice; I think it will get easier with repetition!

A photo of a wooden sculpture of a woman, cropped
A photo of a wooden sculpture of a sitting woman holding up a child, in a glas case
A photo of a sketchbook page with a colour pencil drawing of a woman's bust, and three colour pencils
A photo of four wooden statues
A photo of a sketchbook page with a colour pencil drawing of four statues, and a Col-Erase colour pencil, colour Tuscan Red
A photo of a wooden statue, cropped
A photo of a sketchbook page with a colour pencil drawing of a woman statue, a colour pencil, and a museum ticket pasted in the sketchbook

If you feel like sharing your art practice stories with me, or/and if you’re in or around Bremen and would like to join for drawing on location, I’d be happy to hear from you: send me an email! (at the moment I’d rather not enable post comments)